Creating application architecture
The essential premise at the heart of Backbone has always been to try and discover the minimal set of data-structuring (Models and Collections) and user interface (Views and URLs) primitives that are useful when building web applications with JavaScript.
Jeremy Ashkenas, creator of Backbone.js, Underscore.js, and CoffeeScript
As Jeremy mentioned, Backbone.js has no intention, at least in the near future, to raise its bar to provide application architecture. Backbone will continue to be a lightweight tool to produce the minimal features required for web development. So, should we blame Backbone.js for not including such functionality even though there is a huge demand for this in the developer community? Certainly not! Backbone.js only yields the set of components that are necessary to create the backbone of an application and gives us complete freedom to build the app architecture in whichever way we want.
If working on a significantly large JavaScript application...