Designing sheet metal parts in assemblies and .dxf output
In many instances, it can be advantageous to design the sheet metal part required within the context of an existing assembly. Within Inventor, you can use multiple modeling techniques to achieve this with standard parts, and this also extends to sheet metal parts.
In this recipe, we will design and place an additional component for a wall-mounted TV bracket. Once complete, we will then produce flat patterns and export the final design to a .dxf
file for manufacture.
Getting ready
To begin this recipe, you will need to navigate to Inventor Cookbook 2023
| Chapter 12
and open TV
Bracket Assembly.iam
The assembly file contains an incomplete TV wall-mounted bracket, as shown here:
Figure 12.47: Incomplete TV wall-mounted bracket assembly – TV Bracket Assembly.iam
In this recipe, we will use sheet metal tools and standard modeling practices to create a new component in the context of the...