Narrowing down your selection
Let's hope that your previous activities have created a bit of interest in your organization and that when your job posting opens, you receive a number of applicants. If you hit the success level of the likes of Google, you may receive hundreds of applications for any one position, so narrowing down the selection will be essential.
If you have followed some of the advice given in Chapter 2, Be Clear on What Your Organization Has to Offer, you will have a good idea of the kind of person you are looking for, as well as their skills and attributes. So, the first step is to compare the applications against your own criteria. You may notice some great fits and potentially some wild cards, as well as some that just don't fit what you are after. You need to involve the direct manager for the new role in order to create the shortlist together.
Creating a shortlist
Selection software does exist, which matches CVs and application forms against key words based on your job...