Understanding the stages of NPD
In this section, we will be covering the various stages of the NPD cycle as it relates to the emergence of an AI/ML product. Through each stage, we’ll cover the major foundational areas, from the ideation to the launch of an acceptable first version of a product. The steps are laid out incrementally from the discovery stage, in which you brainstorm about the need you’re looking to address in the market and why that need needs to be bolstered by AI. In the define stage, you bring in your product requirements for your product. In the design stage, you bring in the active visual and experiential elements of your end product. In the implementation stage, you build it out. In the marketing stage, you craft a message for your broader audience. In the training stage, you put your product to the test and make sure it’s being used as intended. Finally, in the launch stage, you release your product to a broader audience for feedback. Let’...