Managing Model Work Items
There are many ways to manage to do items or work items in a backlog. This recipe is one specific way to simply and easily manage work items within a model. I’ve found this an effective way to track and enact changes in models on projects.
The purpose of this recipe is to allow model authors to track, manage, and enact work items for a model.
Inputs and preconditions
The input for this recipe is an existing model that has work to be performed on its elements.
Outputs and postconditions
The primary output is an updated model that contains not only the changes made but also a record of changes, along with their priority and status.
How to do it
Figure 5.44 shows the workflow for this recipe.
There are two flows within the recipe. The first adds new work items and assigns their properties, while the second resolves the work items:
Figure 5.44: Manage work items