Creating an AdWords account
You can create an AdWords account and start showing your advertisements in minutes. The AdWords interface is very user friendly and will walk you through the necessary steps as you move through the signup process.
Getting ready
AdWords is managed through an online interface, and to sign up and manage it you'll need an Internet connection. You also need an e-mail address, which will be associated with your account. If you do not have a Google account already, you'll need to sign up for one first.
How to do it...
To get started, go to and click on the signup prompt.
On the next screen, you will have the option to either use a Google account you already have or to set up a new one. You can only use one e-mail address per AdWords account, so if your e-mail address is already related to an AdWords account you will need to use a different e-mail ID.
Select your time zone and choose a currency for your account. You will not be able to change...