Finding out your ad's approval status
Each ad submitted to AdWords goes through editorial review to ensure that your ads and website comply with Google's advertising policies. Depending on your approval status, your ads might not be showing to all users, so make sure you understand your ad's status. An automated AdWords check makes the ad "eligible" to show to users with safe search turned off. Once the ads have been approved, they can be shown to all users.
How to do it...
To check the status of your ads:
Click on the Campaigns tab.
Click on the Ads tab.
Check the Status column for each ad to see an ad's current approval status:
If your ad is disapproved, you'll find out why your ad was rejected as you hover over the disapproved status speech bubble.
Create a filter if you wish to easily access any disapproved ads or ads that are under review. Go to your Ads tab and click on Create filter from the Filter drop-down menu. Choose Approval Status from the available filter options, and select the ad...