Creating motion
Animating element properties within Edge is fairly straightforward. In this section, we're going to step through a number of basic ways to animate elements along the Edge Timeline, once using only the Playhead, and again using the Playhead in conjunction with the Mark. By performing the same animation in each way, we will get a feel for the different workflow styles that Edge makes available to us when animating element properties across time.
Animating with the Playhead
We will now do a simple animation of an element moving from one side of the Stage to the other, while rotating and changing color using the Playhead along with the Properties panel.
1. Create a new Edge project and save it to your local disk.
Adjust the Stage as follows by using the Properties panel:
Stage W:
600 px
Stage H:
350 px
Background Color:
2. Using the Rectangle tool, draw out an element upon the Stage. We will modify its properties in the next step, so do not worry about...