Interpreting the results
We ended the previous section by completing our first process simulation. In this section, we will focus on the various types of results Fusion 360 calculates when conducting a process simulation.
As you can see in Figure 13.12, Fusion calculates and displays six result types for an MPBF process simulation. Once the analysis is done, the default result type we see is Displacement. However, I recommend taking a look at the Structure Type result after generating a mesh or completing the process simulation. This result type colors each element based on whether it represents a support structure, a part, or the build plate.
Segments of the part that have a down skin without a support structure are colored red to represent under-constrained zones. Fusion also colors support structures that are discontinuous and the Z axis with unintended gaps as under-constrained elements. In such cases, you may want to go back to the process simulation setup and edit your...