Last year, Neo4j had announced the availability of its Enterprise Edition under a commercial license that was aimed at larger companies. Yesterday, the graph database management firm introduced a new managed cloud service called Aura directed at smaller companies. This new service is developed for the market audience between the larger companies and Neo4j’s open source product.
Aura aims to supply a flexible, reliable and developer-friendly graph database. In an interview with TechCrunch, Emil Eifrem, CEO and co-founder at Neo4j says, “To get started with, an enterprise project can run hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. Whereas with Aura, you can get started for about 50 bucks a month, and that means that it opens it up to new segments of the market.”
Aura offers a definite value proposition, a flexible pricing model, and other management and security updates for the company. It will also provide scaling of the growing data requirements of the company. In simple words, Aura seeks to simplify developers’ work by allowing them to focus on building applications work while Neo4j takes care of the company’s database.
Many developers are excited to try out Aura.
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