‘Service mesh’ is a term that is relatively new and has gained visibility in the past year. It’s a configurable infrastructure layer for a microservices application that makes communication between service instances flexible, reliable, and fast.
Modern applications contain a range of (micro)services that allow it to run effectively. Load balancing, traffic management, routing, security, user authentication - all of these things need to work together properly if the application is going to function as intended.. Managing these various services, across a whole deployment of containers, poses a challenge for those responsible for updating and maintaining them.
Enter the Service mesh. It works delivering these services from within the compute cluster through a set of APIs. These APIs, when brought together, form the ‘mesh’.. This makes it much easier to manage software infrastructures of particular complexity - hence why organizations like Netflix and Lyft have used them..
With the service meshes addressing some of the key challenges when it comes to microservices, this is definitely a treat for 2018 and beyond.
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