(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
After going through these principles, we will be completing the tasks to enhance the maze game and the gameplay. We will apply animations to characters and trigger these in particular situations. We will improve the gameplay by allowing NPCs to follow the player where he/she is nearby (behavior based on distance), and attack the user when he/she is within reach. All material required to complete this article is available for free download on the companion website: http://patrickfelicia.wordpress.com/publications/books/unity-outbreak/.
The pack for this article includes some great models and animations that were provided by the company Mixamo to enhance the quality of our final game. The characters were animated using Mixamo's easy online sequences and animation building tools. For more information on Mixamo and its easy-to-use 3D character rigging and animation tools, you can visit http://www.mixamo.com.
Before we start creating our level, we will need to rename our scene and download the necessary assets from the companion website as follows:
We will start by inserting and configuring the zombie character in the scene as shown in the following steps:
Once we have applied these settings to the character, we will now use it for our scene.
We will now create the necessary animation for our character.
Click once on the object zombie_hires in the Hierarchy window. We should see that it includes a component called Animator. This component is related to the animation of the character through Mecanim. You will also notice an empty slot for an Animator Controller. This controller will be created so that we can animate the character and control its different states, using a state machine.
Let's create an Animator Controller that will be used for this character:
We will now apply our first animation to the character:
While the zombie is animated properly, you may notice that the camera on the First Person Controller might be too high. You will address this by changing the height of the camera so that it is at eye-level. In the Hierarchy view, select the object Main Camera that is located with the object First Person Controller and change its position to (x=0, y=0.5, z=0).
We now have two animations. At present, the character is in the Idle state, and we need to de fine triggers or conditions for the character to start or stop walking toward the player. In this game, we will have enemies with different degrees of intelligence. This first type will follow the user when it sees the user, is close to the user, or is being attacked by the user.
The Animator window will help to create animations and to apply transition conditions and blending between them so that transitions between each animation are smoother. To move around this window, we can hold the Alt key while simultaneously dragging-and-dropping the mouse. We can also select states by clicking on them or de fining a selection area (drag-and-drop the mouse to define the area). If needed, it is also possible to maximize this window using the icon located at its top-right corner.
First, let's create transitions. Open the Animator window, right-click on the state labeled Idle, and select the option Make Transition from the contextual menu. This will create an arrow that symbolizes the transition from this state to another state. While this arrow is visible, click on the state labeled WalkForward. This will create a transition between the states WalkForward and Idle as illustrated in the following screenshot:
Repeat the last step to create a transition between the state WalkForward and Idle: right-click on the state labeled WalkForward, select the option Make Transition from the contextual menu, and click on the state labeled Idle.
Now that these transitions have been defined, we will need to specify how the animations will change from one state to the other. This will be achieved using parameters. In the Animator window, click on the + button located at the bottom-right corner of the window, as indicated in the following screenshot:
Doing so will display a contextual menu, from which we can choose the type of the parameter. Select the option Bool to create a Boolean parameter. A new window should now appear with a default name for our new parameter as illustrated in the following screenshot: change the name of the parameter to walking.
Now that the parameter has been defined, we can start defining transitions based on this parameter. Let's start with the first transition from the Idle state to the Walkforward state:
The process will be similar for the other transition (that is, from WalkForward to Idle), except that the condition for the transition for the parameter walking will be false: select the second transition (WalkForward to Idle) and set the transition condition of walking to false.
To check that the transitions are working, we can do the following:
We have managed to set transitions for the animations and the state of the zombie from Idle to walking. To add some challenge to the game, we will equip this enemy with some AI and create a script that changes the state of the enemy from Idle to WalkForward whenever it sees the player. First, let's allocate the predefined-tag player to First Person Controller: select First Person Controller from the Hierarchy window, and in the Inspector window, click on the drop-down menu to the right of the label Tag and select the tag Player.
Then, we can start creating a script that will set the direction of the zombie toward the player. Create a folder labeled Scripts inside the folder Assets | chapter5, create a new script, rename it controlZombie, and add the following code to the start of the script:
public var walking:boolean = false;
public var anim:Animator;
public var currentBaseState:AnimatorStateInfo;
public var walkForwardState:int = Animator.StringToHash("Base
public var idleState:int = Animator.StringToHash("Base
private var playerTransform:Transform;
private var hit:RaycastHit;
Next, let's add the following function to the script:
function Start ()
anim = GetComponent(Animator);
playerTransform = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").transform;
In line 3 of the previous code, we initialize the variable anim with the Animator component linked to this GameObject.
We can then add the following lines of code:
function Update ()
currentBaseState = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);
Save this script, and drag-and-drop it to the character labeled zombie_hires in the Hierarchy window.
As we have seen previously, we will need to manage several states through our script, including the states Idle and WalkForward. Let's add the following code in the Update function:
switch (currentBaseState.nameHash)
case idleState:
case walkForwardState:
If we play the scene, we may notice that the zombie rotates around the x and z axes when near the player; its y position also changes over time. To correct this issue, let's add the following code at the end of the function Update:
transform.position.y = -0.5;
transform.rotation.x = 0.0;
transform.rotation.z = 0.0;
We now need to detect whether the zombie can see the player, or detect its presence within a radius of two meters(that is, the zombie would hear the player if he/she is within two meters). This can be achieved using two techniques: by calculating the distance between the zombie and the player, and by casting a ray from the zombie and detecting whether the player is in front of the zombie. If this is the case, the zombie will start walking toward the player. We need to calculate the distance between the player and the zombie by adding the following code to the script controlZombie, at the start of the function Update, before the switch statement:
var distance:float = Vector3.Distance(transform.position,
In the previous code, we create a variable labeled distance and initialize it with the distance between the player and the zombie. This is achieved using the built-in function Vector3.Distance.
Now that the distance is calculated (and updated in every frame), we can implement the code that will serve to detect whether the player is near or in front of the zombie.
Open the script entitled controlZombie, and add the following lines to the function Update within the block of instructions for the Idle state, so that it looks as follows:
case idleState:
if ((Physics.Raycast
sition.z), transform.forward, hit,40) &&
hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "Player") || distance <2.0f)
In the previous lines of code, a ray or ray cast is created. It is casted forward from the zombie, 0.5 meters above the ground and over 40 meters. Thanks to the variable hit, we read the tag of the object that is colliding with our ray and check whether this object is the player. If this is the case, the parameter walking is set to true. Effectively, this should trigger a transition to the state walking, as we have defined previously, so that the zombie starts walking toward the player.
Initially, our code was written so that the zombie rotated around to face the player, even in the Idle state (using the built-in function LookAt). However, we need to modify this feature so that the zombie only turns around to face the player while it is following the player, otherwise, the player will always be in sight and the zombie will always see him/her, even in the Idle state. We can achieve this by deleting the code highlighted in the following code snippet (from the start of the function Update), and adding it to the code for the state WalkForward:
case walkForwardState:
In the previous lines, we checked whether the zombie is walking forward, and if this is the case, the zombie will rotate in order to look at and follow the player. Test our code by playing the scene and either moving within two meters of the zombie or in front of the zombie.