Guest Blogger
By Bob King (

License: GNU General Public License
Manual Install URL:
Automatic Install search term: Guest Blogger
Geek level: Webmaster
Configuration location: Tools | Guest Blogger
Used in: Posts
Guest Blogger is a great way to continually fill your blog with relevant content, without ever having to work with an author. Guest Blogger pulls content from, a repository of free-to-republish articles covering topics like Female Libido Boosters and Time Management plus everything in between. The content is usually accurate, timely, and written in an internet-acceptable grammar—a great filler for a lackluster news day.
Of course, nothing is truly free and EzineArticles is no exception. Part of the Terms of Service requires you to leave the article intact, including the footer that contains a link back to EzineArticles website. Additional terms and conditions can be read at...