Creating custom blueprint nodes
Blueprint is very powerful and has access to most of the functions that are created for a particular class, but there may be certain pieces of code that you want to be always available for use inside Blueprints. Thankfully, we can make use of a custom class extending from Blueprint Function Library to do so.
Getting ready
Before we start working on this, we need to have a project created and set up. Follow the Setting up your development environment recipe all the way to completion.
How to do it…
Often games will display a copyright notice on the main menu. We also do this at the beginning of every class that we create at the header with it, by default, displaying this:
//Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of //Project Settings.
Rather than typing it in every time we want to show it, let's create a note that will get it for us and in the process, teach us how we can create custom blueprint nodes that can do whatever actions we...