Pick a word – (almost) any word
We're going to put the Script Reference through some serious stress testing here. We're going to arm ourselves with every synonym of mouse we can think of. Here's a list that I painstakingly brainstormed: mouse, screen position, cursor, pointer, input device, small rodent, two-button, aim, and point. One of those has to do the trick. And, if we come up empty-handed, we're going to hit those online tutorials hard until we find our answer.
Go ahead, fire up the Unity Script Reference and type mouse
into the Search field. Scour the resulting list. We will not back down. We will not take "no" for an… oh, hello, what's this?
Midway down the list, there's this entry, as highlighted in the following screenshot:
The current mouse position in pixel coordinates.

Well, uh… ahem. That was easy. I guess we won't be needing this synonyms list then.