The Tk instance differs from normal widgets in the way that it is configured, so we will explore some basic methods that allow us to customize how it is displayed.
Setting the main window's icon, title, and size
How to do it...
This snippet creates a main window with a custom title and icon. It has 400px of width by 200px of height, with a separation of 10px in each axis to the upper-left corner of the screen:
import tkinter as tk class App(tk.Tk): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title("My Tkinter app") self.iconbitmap("python.ico") self.geometry("400x200+10+10") if __name__ == "__main__": app = App() app.mainloop()
This program assumes that you have a valid ICO file called python.ico in the same directory where the script is placed and executed.
How it works...
The methods title() and iconbitmap() of the Tk class are very self-descriptive—the first one sets the window title, whereas the second one takes the path to the icon that is associated to the window.
The geometry() method configures the size of the window with a string that follows the following pattern:
In case you add more secondary windows to your application, these methods are also available in the Toplevel class.
There's more...
If you want to make the application fullscreen, replace the call to the geometry() method with self.state("zoomed").