This chapter has given an overview of advanced techniques for Pod scheduling in Kubernetes. First, we recapped the theory behind kube-scheduler implementation and explained the process of scheduling Pods. Next, we introduced the concept of Node affinity in Pod scheduling. We discussed the basic scheduling methods, which use Node names and Node selectors, and based on that, we explained how more advanced Node affinity works. We also explained how to use the affinity concept to achieve anti-affinity, and what inter-Pod affinity/anti-affinity is. After that, we discussed taints for Nodes and tolerations specified by Pods. You learned about some different effects of taints, and put that knowledge into practice in an advanced use case involving NoExecute
and NoSchedule
taints on a Node. Lastly, we discussed some advanced scheduling features in Kubernetes such as scheduler configurations, Node isolation, and static pods.
In the next chapter, we are going to discuss the autoscaling...