As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
abstract class 59
in OOP 58, 59
accessors 65
application performance data 296-300
application performance monitoring (APM) 293
Atlassian Jira 15
AWS CodeDeploy application
creating 268-272
AWS EC2 instance
connecting to 272
Elastic IP, attaching to 276-279
need for 258
setting up 258-268
AWS resources 258
Behat 129
installing 130
used, for applying behavior-driven development (BDD) 129
Behat application
preparing 245, 246
Behat feature
creating 131, 132
Feature keyword 132
Scenario keyword 132, 133
Behat feature, based on Jira ticket
creating 157, 158
Behat PHP context
generating 181, 182
Behat registration feature
creating 158-163
fail controller tests, writing 164, 165
passing 163...