BizUnit 4.0
BizUnit 4.0 is a declarative and extensible testing framework that can be used to create robust automated tests for integration solutions. It too is a community-driven open source project that can be found on CodePlex (
Before delving into its capabilities, let's delve into two misconceptions regarding this framework that derive from its name. BizUnit is in no way relegated to BizTalk (even though it is commonly used to test BizTalk projects) beyond the fact that many BizTalk-specific test steps are catered for out of the box. BizUnit can be used to test pretty much any integration solution, and where the framework doesn't contain a test step that caters for your requirements, a custom test step can easily be written. The second misconception is that BizUnit is not relegated solely to unit testing. Arguably, BizUnit is at its best when used for integration testing since it shines when multiple steps are being stitched together. This doesn...