Chapter 8: Scrum@Scale
This chapter introduces the Scrum@Scale (S@S) approach to scaling Scrum, which is the latest thinking from Jeff Sutherland, one of the two developers of Scrum. In this chapter, you will learn how Scrum@Scale extends the original Scrum framework to support the development of large and complex products, processes, services, and systems. You will learn how Scrum@Scale offers a linear scalable approach to installing and coordinating multiple Scrum Teams with the goal to deliver high quality and value, while simultaneously improving business agility.
This chapter outlines the basics of this scaled Scrum approach, consistent with Sutherland's Scrum@Scale Guide ( You will learn how the Scrum@Scale Guide builds upon the concepts outlined in the original Scrum Guide and on the values and principles outlined in the Agile Manifesto. But where the original Scrum Guide operates at the single team/single product level, the Scrum@Scale...