Exam objectives – Data Security
To pass the Data Security section of the certified platform App Builder exam, app builders are expected to demonstrate knowledge of the following:
- Describe the features and capabilities available to restrict and extend object, record, and field access.
- Given a set of business requirements, determine the appropriate sharing solution.
Reference: Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder Exam Guide
This guide is published by Salesforce and can be referenced at https://trailhead.salesforce.com/help?article=Salesforce-Certified-Platform-App-Builder-Exam-Guide.
In the Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder Exam Guide, the total number of questions is given, a percentage breakdown for each of the objectives, and an indication of the number of features/functions that can be expected in each of the objectives.
By analyzing these objectives, percentages, and question counts, we can determine the number of questions that will appear...