Configuring approval processes
To create an approval process, follow these steps:
Launch the approval process wizard.
Specify Name, Unique Name, and Description.
Specify Criteria for Entering Process.
Specify Approver Field and Record Editability.
Select Email Notification Template.
Configure Approval Request Page Layout.
Specify Initial Submitters.
Activate the approval process.
Choosing an approval process wizard
When you click on the Create New Approval Process button to start creating an approval process, you are presented with these two options in which you can build the process: Use Jump Start Wizard or Use Standard Setup Wizard. The upcoming sections outline the differences between these two mechanisms.
The Jump Start Wizard option
The Jump Start Wizard option is provided as a quick way to create simple approval processes that have a single step. To simplify the settings, the Salesforce CRM application automatically determines some default options for you with this option.