Downloading the Mixamo animation
Continuing from the last section, when you click DOWNLOAD, Mixamo will take you to the following dialog box illustrated in Figure 5.16:
Let’s look at each of these options:
- Format: FBX is the same format you used when you exported from Unreal Engine; for the Unreal Mixamo pipeline, I strongly suggest you work with this preset. In the Format drop-down list, you will see other formats. Mostly, they consist of alternative and older versions of FBX. Another available format is DAE, however it is not compatible with Unreal.
- Skin: The default setting is With Skin; this means that when you download the file, it will contain your original mesh along with the Mixamo Rig and the animation all within the FBX file format. If you have multiple animations for your character, you only need to include the skin on the first animation you download. Choosing Without Skin will contain the animation...