Getting data from the Twitter Streaming API
The data for our React application will come from Twitter. Twitter has the Streaming API that anyone can plug into and start receiving an endless flow of public tweets in the JSON format.
To start using the Twitter Streaming API, you'll need to perform the following steps:
- Create a Twitter account. For this, go to and sign up; or sign in if you already have an account.
- Create a new Twitter App by navigating to, and click on Create New App. You will need to fill in the Application Details form, agree with the Developer Agreement, and click on Create your Twitter application. Now you should see your application's page. Switch to the Keys and Access Tokens tab.
In the Application Settings section of this page, you'll find two vital pieces of information:
- Consumer Key (API Key); for example,
- Consumer Secret (API Secret); for example,
Take a note of them; we will need them later in this chapter.
Now we need to generate an access token. On the same page, you'll see Your Access Token section that is empty. Click on Create my access token. It creates two pieces of information:
- Access Token; for example,
- Access Token Secret; for example,
Take a note of them too. An access token is unique to you and you should not share it with anyone. Keep it private.
Now we have everything that we need to start using Twitter's Streaming API.