Answer the following questions to test your knowledge of this chapter:
- Which of the following vectors represents a qubit state?
- In quantum computing, the Z gate rotates a Bloch sphere
radians around the Z-axis. Draw the result of applying a Z gate to a |+⟩ qubit.
- The matrix representation of a Z gate is
. Check to make sure that this matrix is unitary.
- Apply the Z gate matrix from Question 3 to a |+⟩ qubit. Does the result you get confirm your answer to Question 2?
- Write Qiskit code to test the result you got in Questions 2, 3, and 4.
- The matrix representation of
. Check to make sure that this matrix is unitary.
- Verify that the matrix representation of
. Use the last formula in this chapter’s Experimenting with rotations section.
- In Step 2 of the Experimenting with rotations section, applying
to |0⟩ has the same effect as applying
to |0⟩. Do the matrix calculation...