Creating an animation group
In this example, we will learn how to use an animation group to manage the states of the animations contained in the group.
How to do it…
- We will use the previous example, but this time, we add two more push buttons to the main window, like so:
- Next, define the animation for each of the push buttons in the main window's constructor:
QPropertyAnimation *animation1 = new QPropertyAnimation(ui->pushButton, "geometry"); animation1->setDuration(3000); animation1->setStartValue(ui->pushButton->geometry()); animation1->setEndValue(QRect(50, 200, 100, 50)); QPropertyAnimation *animation2 = new QPropertyAnimation(ui->pushButton_2, "geometry"); animation2->setDuration(3000); animation2->setStartValue(ui->pushButton_2->geometry()); animation2->setEndValue(QRect(150, 200, 100, 50)); QPropertyAnimation *animation3 = new QPropertyAnimation(ui->pushButton_3, "geometry"); animation3->setDuration...