- Access Document Properties (Users), user privilege / Document-level security
- ACCESS field / Section access fields
- Access Restriction Table Wizard dialog / Section access fields, Omitting fields
- Access Sheet Object Properties, user privilege / Sheet-level security
- Access Sheet Properties (Users), user privilege / Sheet-level security
- Access Tab row Properties, user privilege / Document-level security
- Accumulation option
- about / Expressions
- action
- about / Triggers
- actions
- adding, to text object / Adding actions to a Text object
- about / Actions
- Select in Field / Actions
- Select Excluded / Actions
- Select Possible / Actions
- Toggle Select / Actions
- Forward / Actions
- Back / Actions
- Pareto Select / Actions
- Lock Field / Actions
- Lock All / Actions
- Unlock Field / Actions
- Unlock All / Actions
- Unlock and Clear All / Actions
- Clear Other Fields / Actions
- Clear All / Actions
- Clear Field / Actions
- Copy State Contents / Actions
- Swap State Contents / Actions
- Activate Object / Actions
- Activate Sheet / Actions
- Activate Next Sheet / Actions
- Activate Previous Sheet / Actions
- Minimize Object / Actions
- Maximize Object / Actions
- Restore Object / Actions
- Set State Name / Actions
- Apply Bookmark / Actions
- Create Bookmark / Actions
- Replace Bookmark / Actions
- Print Object / Actions
- Print Sheet / Actions
- Print Report / Actions
- Export / Actions
- Launch / Actions
- Open URL / Actions
- Open QlikView Document / Actions
- Run Macro / Actions
- Set Variable / Actions
- Show Information / Actions
- Close This Document / Actions
- Reload / Actions
- Dynamic Update / Actions
- action types
- selection / Actions
- layout / Actions
- bookmark / Actions
- print / Actions
- external / Actions
- Add button / One chart and multiple analyses with cyclic expressions
- Add new tab button / Applying IntervalMatch to the Carrier Decode table
- Add Sheet button / Creating the dashboard tab
- Add Sheet Objects, user privilege / Sheet-level security
- Add Sheets, user privilege / Document-level security
- Admin Override Security, user privilege / Document-level security
- Advanced Color Map dialog window / Setting the default color map
- advanced search expression
- solo exercise / A solo exercise
- advanced search expressions
- about / Advanced search expressions
- aggregation functions
- sum() function / Aggregation functions
- Min() function / Aggregation functions
- Max() function / Aggregation functions
- Only() function / Aggregation functions
- MinString() function / Aggregation functions
- MaxString() function / Aggregation functions
- Concat() function / Aggregation functions
- Count() function / Aggregation functions
- aggregations
- performing, over Aggr function outputs / Aggregations over the Aggr output
- Aggr function
- about / The Aggr function, Using Pick with Dimensionality
- used, for nested aggregation / Using Aggr for nested aggregation
- Aggr function outputs
- aggregations, performing over / Aggregations over the Aggr output
- aircraft dimension table, buidling
- source files / Building the aircraft dimension table
- aircraft information, loading / Loading the aircraft information
- aircraft groups, adding / Adding the aircraft groups
- second aircraft table, loading / Loading the second aircraft table
- final testing / Making it all right
- Airline Employment Statistics table / The Airline Employment statistics table
- Airline Operations
- DAR principle, adding to / Applying the DAR principle to Airline Operations
- document requisites / Document requirements, Creating the new Dashboard sheet
- Average Load Factor per Route per Airline / Getting the Average Load Factor per Route per Airline
- Air Time % gauge
- creating / Adding Air Time %
- alerts
- about / Alerts
- setting up / Alerts
- Alerts dialog
- options / Alerts
- alignment option / The Presentation tab
- Allow Copy/Clone option / The Layout tab
- Allow Export, user privilege / Document-level security
- Allow Maximize option / The Caption tab
- Allow Minimize option / The Caption tab
- Allow Move/Size option / The Layout tab
- Allow Print (When Export Is Prohibited), user privilege / Document-level security
- Allow User Reload, user privilege / Document-level security
- alternate label / Adding a time drill-down group
- alternate states
- comparative analysis with / Comparative analysis with alternate states
- step-by-step / Alternate states step-by-step
- and default state, combining / Combining alternate states and the default state
- applying, to layout objects / Applying alternate states to layout objects
- document navigation with / Document navigation with alternate states
- selections, clearing / Clearing selections in an alternate state
- Always One Selected Value checkbox / The General tab
- Always One Selected Value setting
- about / Double Dollar Sign Expansion
- analysis sheet
- about / Creating the Analysis sheet
- creating / Creating the Analysis sheet
- chart, adding to / Adding a new chart
- bar chart, adding to / Bar Chart
- line chart, adding to / Line Chart
- combo chart, adding to / Combo Chart
- scatter chart, adding to / Scatter Chart
- buttons, adding to / Button
- statistics box, adding to / Statistics box
- analysts
- about / User types, Analysts
- app
- creating / Creating the app
- requisites / The requirements
- Apply Theme option / The Layout tab
- Apply To... option / The Layout tab
- Apply to All Sheets checkbox / Sheet-level security
- assignment operators
- about / More assignment operators
- =$ operator / More assignment operators
- += operator / More assignment operators
- -= operator / More assignment operators
- *= operator / More assignment operators
- /= operator / More assignment operators
- example / More assignment operators
- associative data model
- about / The associative data model
- associative user experience / Associative user experience
- Attribute field parameter / Working with the Crosstable Wizard
- Auto-Layout button / Structuring the script
- Auto Minimize option / The Caption tab, Auto minimize
- AutoNumber() function / Using number-based key fields
- Available Fields listbox / The Sheet Properties dialog
- Avg function
- about / Getting the Average Load Factor per Route per Airline
- Background Color option / Changing the caption colors
- background image, QlikView UI / Background image
- background property / The Sheet Properties dialog
- bar chart
- adding, to analysis sheet / Bar Chart
- options / Additional bar chart properties, Presentation
- versus line chart / Line Chart
- best practices, data modeling
- data consistency / Data consistency
- storage requirements, reducing / Reducing storage requirements
- design challenges / Design challenges of data modeling
- Binary Large Object (Blob) field / The Create Select Statement wizard
- Binary load / Cloning a QlikView data model
- Blank password checkmark / Creating the OLE DB connection string
- Block Chart
- about / Block Chart
- bookmark
- selections / Bookmarking selections
- new bookmark, creating / Creating a new bookmark
- retrieving / Retrieving a bookmark
- Bookmark Object
- adding / Adding a Bookmark Object
- bookmarks
- creating / Dynamic bookmarks
- border width option / The Layout tab
- Business Discovery / How does QlikView differ from traditional BI?
- Business Intelligence (BI)
- about / What is QlikView?
- buttons
- adding, to analysis sheet / Button
- calculated dimensions
- about / A word on calculated dimensions
- calculation condition
- about / Conditionally showing and calculating objects
- used, for calculating chart / Conditionally showing and calculating objects
- Caption Alignment option / The Caption tab
- Caption and Border Properties dialog window / Propagating the object appearance
- Carrier Decode table / The Carrier Decode table
- IntervalMatch, applying / Applying IntervalMatch to the Carrier Decode table
- Carrier Group ID field / Applying IntervalMatch to the Carrier Decode table
- Case Sensitive and Not option / Throwing out the garbage
- Cell Value field / Filling missing cells
- chart
- adding, to analysis sheet / Adding a new chart
- chart colors
- defining / Defining chart colors
- chart components
- resizing / Gauges
- Chart Properties dialog
- about / Additional line chart properties
- Expressions tab / Expressions
- Style tab / Style
- Presentation tab / Presentation
- charts
- selections in / Selections in charts
- inserting, in container object / Container
- variables, using / Using variables in charts
- circular gauge option / Not all expressions are numbers
- circular reference
- abour / Dealing with circular references
- Class function
- about / The Class function, A solo exercise using the Class function
- Clone option / Cloning the object for re-use
- Color Area and Color dialog windows / The Color Area and Color dialog windows
- Colormix wizard
- heat map, building with / Building a heat chart with the Colormix wizard
- column tab / Other transformation tricks
- combo chart
- about / Combo Chart
- adding, to analysis sheet / Combo Chart
- comparative analysis
- with alternate states / Comparative analysis with alternate states
- example / A comparative analysis example
- wexample / A comparative analysis example
- alternate states step-by-step / Alternate states step-by-step
- state-based expressions / State-based expressions
- alternate states and default state, combining / Combining alternate states and the default state
- alternate states, applying to layout objects / Applying alternate states to layout objects
- document navigation, with alternate states / Document navigation with alternate states
- alternate states, selections clearing in / Clearing selections in an alternate state
- compare-to period record set
- obtaining / Obtaining the compare-to period record set
- Compare with value radio button / Throwing out the garbage, Unwrapping table contents
- composite key
- creating / Creating a composite key
- Concat() function / Aggregation functions
- CONCATENATE statement / The CONCATENATE statement
- Conditional Delete button / Throwing out the garbage, Unwrapping table contents
- conditional functions
- about / Conditional functions
- conditional functions, QlikView
- about / Conditional functions
- If function / The If function
- Class function / The Class function, A solo exercise using the Class function
- Pick function / The Pick function
- conditional showing, of objects / Conditionally showing and calculating objects
- conformed dimension
- about / Creating the dimensional model
- Connect button / The Create Select Statement wizard
- connection strings
- managing / Managing file locations and connection strings
- consistent QlikView UI
- creating / Creating a consistent QlikView UI
- screen resolution / Screen resolution
- background image / Background image
- themes / Themes
- container object
- about / Container
- charts, inserting into / Container
- containers
- about / Containers
- context tab / Other transformation tricks
- Copy/Clone Sheet Objects, user privilege / Sheet-level security
- Count() function / Aggregation functions
- Create Chart button / Number of flights over time, Top 10 routes
- Create Chart wizard / Number of flights over time
- Create New Data Source window / How to set up an ODBC connection
- Create Search Object button / Optimizing the screen space
- Create Select Statement wizard / The Create Select Statement wizard
- crosstable / The crosstable
- crosstable, source table structure
- example / A Crosstable example
- Crosstable Wizard, working with / Working with the Crosstable Wizard
- CSV attributes / The CSV attributes
- Current Selections Box
- about / The Current Selections Box
- selections, making from / Making selections from the Current Selections Box
- custom data sources
- about / Accessing custom data sources
- cyclic expressions / One chart and multiple analyses with cyclic expressions
- creating / One chart and multiple analyses with cyclic expressions
- cyclic groups
- about / Cyclic Groups, Cyclic and Drill-down groups
- creating / Cyclic and Drill-down groups
- .dll-based adapter / Accessing custom data sources
- DAR principle
- adding, to Airline Operations / Applying the DAR principle to Airline Operations
- Dashboards
- about / User types
- dashboard sheet
- about / Creating the new Dashboard sheet
- setting up / Creating the new Dashboard sheet
- linked objects, adding / Linked Objects
- gauge charts, adding / Gauges
- pie charts, adding to / Adding a Pie chart
- dashboard sheets
- metrics, adding to / Adding a Text object
- dashboard tab
- creating / Creating the dashboard tab
- user controls, adding in list boxes form / Creating and positioning the filters and user controls
- screen place, optimizing / Optimizing the screen space
- logged flights, number / Number of flights over time
- cyclic expression group / One chart and multiple analyses with cyclic expressions
- dashboard users
- about / Dashboard users
- data
- extracting, into QlikView document / Extracting data—two hands-on examples
- extracting, from MS Access / Extracting data from MS Access
- ODBC connection, setting up / How to set up an ODBC connection
- aggregating / Aggregating data
- flight data table, aggregating / Aggregating the Flight Data table
- transformation output / The Transformation output
- data, extracting from MA Access
- driver, configuring / Configuring the driver
- ODBC connection, setting up / How to set up an ODBC connection
- OLE DB connection string, creating / Creating the OLE DB connection string
- database, querying / Querying the database
- Create Select Statement wizard / The Create Select Statement wizard
- airport tables, adding / Adding the airport tables
- script, reloading / Reloading the script
- data architecture
- about / Data architecture
- two-stage architecture / Two-stage architecture
- environment, setting up / Setting up our environment
- data consistency
- about / Data consistency
- dimensions without facts, dealing with / Dealing with dimensions without facts, A solo exercise
- alternative method / An alternative approach
- facts without dimensions, dealing with / Dealing with facts without dimensions
- Data Discovery tool / How does QlikView differ from traditional BI?
- Data Field parameter / Working with the Crosstable Wizard
- Data Link Properties window / Creating the OLE DB connection string
- data model
- about / Constructing the data model
- fact table, loading / Loading the fact table
- list boxes, playing with / Playing with listboxes
- script, structuring / Structuring the script
- result / The resulting data model
- data model conflicts
- avoiding / Avoiding data model conflicts
- data modeling
- design challenges / Design challenges of data modeling
- about / A final note on data modeling
- data point values
- dimension value, adding to / Adding the dimension value to the data point values
- data types
- about / Dealing with different data types
- strings / Strings
- arithmetic operators / Numbers and numeric functions
- numeric functions / Numbers and numeric functions
- DateTime data type / Date and time functions
- Date#() function / The master calendar
- Date and time functions
- Year() / Date and time functions
- Month() / Date and time functions
- Week() / Date and time functions
- Day() / Date and time functions
- Weekday() / Date and time functions
- Hour() / Date and time functions
- Minute() / Date and time functions
- Today() / Date and time functions
- MakeDate() / Date and time functions
- Date field / Applying IntervalMatch to the Carrier Decode table
- default color map
- setting / Setting the default color map
- Delete Marked button / Throwing out the garbage, Unwrapping table contents
- Depth Name / Working with the Hierarchy Wizard
- Description fields / Renaming fields with the Qualify statement
- design challenges
- Airline Employment Statistics table / The Airline Employment statistics table
- fact tables, concatenating / Concatenating fact tables
- link tables, working with / Working with link tables
- balance, finding / Finding a balance
- dimension / Number of flights over time
- dimensional data modeling
- about / Dimensional data modeling
- dimensionality
- Pick function, using with / Using Pick with Dimensionality
- Dimensionality function
- about / Using Pick with Dimensionality
- dimensional modeling
- about / Dimensional modeling
- star schema / The star schema
- snowflake schema / The snowflake schema
- creating / Creating the dimensional model
- dimensional models
- in QlikView / Dimensional models in QlikView
- dimension limits, pie charts / Dimension Limits
- dimension value
- adding, to data point values / Adding the dimension value to the data point values
- dirty table, source table structure
- cleansing / "Cleansing" a dirty table
- file contents / File contents
- Distinct qualifier
- about / A word on using the Distinct qualifier
- document chaining
- about / Actions
- Document Default color map / Setting the default color map
- document level security
- about / Document-level security
- settings / Document-level security
- document level security, settings
- Reduce Data, user privilege / Document-level security
- Add Sheets, user privilege / Document-level security
- Edit Script, user privilege / Document-level security
- Reload, user privilege / Document-level security
- Partial Reload, user privilege / Document-level security
- EditModule, user privilege / Document-level security
- Save Document (Users), user privilege / Document-level security
- Access Document Properties (Users), user privilege / Document-level security
- Promote/Demote Sheets, user privilege / Document-level security
- Allow Export, user privilege / Document-level security
- Allow Print (When Export Is Prohibited), user privilege / Document-level security
- Access Tab row Properties, user privilege / Document-level security
- Macro Override Security, user privilege / Document-level security
- Show All Sheets and Objects, user privilege / Document-level security
- Show Progress for Hidden Script, user privilege / Document-level security
- Allow User Reload, user privilege / Document-level security
- Admin Override Security, user privilege / Document-level security
- document properties
- adding, to HighCloud corporate theme / Adding document properties
- Document Properties window / The Document Properties window, Alternate states step-by-step
- design requisites / The Document Properties window
- document requisites, Airline Operations / Document requirements, Creating the new Dashboard sheet
- documents
- themes, applying to / Applying themes
- document triggers
- about / Document triggers
- Dollar Sign Expansion (DSE)
- about / Using variables in charts, The Dollar Sign Expansion syntax
- syntax / The Dollar Sign Expansion syntax
- with parameters / Dollar Sign Expansion with parameters
- Double Dollar Sign Expansion
- about / Double Dollar Sign Expansion
- drill-down group
- about / Adding a time drill-down group
- drill-down groups
- about / Cyclic and Drill-down groups
- creating / Cyclic and Drill-down groups
- drill down groups
- about / Drill down Groups
- Driver button / The Create Select Statement wizard
- drivers
- installing / Installing the drivers
- Drop statement / Applying IntervalMatch to the Carrier Decode table
- DUAL data type / Numbers and numeric functions
- dynamic bookmarks
- about / Dynamic bookmarks
- dynamic record sets
- about / Dynamic record sets
- -$ Exclusion operator / Set operators
- E() function / Using element functions
- Edit Expression dialog / Number of flights over time
- Edit Expression window / Number of flights over time
- about / The Edit Expression window
- overview / The Edit Expression window
- Fields tab / Fields
- Functions tab / Functions
- Variables tab / Variables
- Images tab / Images
- Edit Groups button / Adding a time drill-down group
- EditModule, user privilege / Document-level security
- Edit Script, user privilege / Document-level security
- Edit Script window / Loading the fact table, Hidden script
- element functions
- P() function / Using element functions
- E() function / Using element functions
- example / Using element functions
- Enable Transformation Step button / Working with the Transformation Step wizard
- ER modeling
- about / Relational databases and ER modeling
- events
- about / Triggers
- Exists() function / Dealing with dimensions without facts
- Export values to Excel / But wait, there's more!
- expression option / The Sort tab
- Expression Overview window
- about / The Expression Overview window, The Expression Overview window in action
- expressions
- about / Expressions
- storing, variables used / Using variables to store expressions
- tips, for copying / A tip on copying expressions
- constructing / Constructing the expressions
- Expressions tab / The Expressions tab
- extract layer / Two-stage architecture
- fact table
- loading / Loading the fact table
- loading, steps for / Loading the fact table
- fact tables, concatenating
- about / Concatenating fact tables
- structural asymmetry / Structural asymmetry
- natural concatenation / Natural concatenation
- forced concatenation / Forced concatenation
- Employment Statistics table, concatenating / Concatenating the Employment Statistics table
- Field information, Table Viewer window / Field information
- fields
- renaming / Renaming fields
- renaming, with qualify statement / Renaming fields with the Qualify statement
- Fields tab, Edit Expression window / Fields
- file attributes
- specifying / Specifying the file attributes
- file locations
- managing / Managing file locations and connection strings
- File Type option / Loading the fact table
- File Wizard
- Script dialog window / The resulting script
- File Wizard dialog / Loading the fact table
- Fixed Number of Columns option / The Presentation tab
- flags / Field naming conventions
- Floor()function / Date and time functions
- folder structure
- setting up / Setting up the folder structure
- Force 32 Bit checkmark / Creating the OLE DB connection string
- frequency option / The Sort tab
- From statement / Loading the fact table
- FTEs (Full Time Equivalent)
- about / A refresher
- Functions tab, Edit Expression window / Functions
- Funnel Chart
- about / Funnel Chart
- gauge charts
- adding, to dashboard sheet / Gauges
- object, cloning for re-use / Cloning the object for re-use
- gauge styles
- about / More Gauge styles
- Gauge Styles tab
- about / More Gauge styles
- generic load, source table structure
- about / Generic load
- loading, in QlikView / Loading a generic table into QlikView
- GetCurrentField function / Straight table
- Grid Chart
- about / Grid Chart
- Group button / One chart and multiple analyses with cyclic expressions
- Groups dialog / Adding a time drill-down group
- Group Settings dialog window / Adding a time drill-down group
- heat chart
- about / Heat charts
- building, with Colormix wizard / Building a heat chart with the Colormix wizard
- Help Text option / The Caption tab
- hidden script
- about / Hidden script
- Edit Script window / Hidden script
- adding, to document / Hidden script
- hierarchy, source table structure
- expanding / Expanding a hierarchy
- example / A hierarchy example
- Hierarchy Wizard, working with / Working with the Hierarchy Wizard
- tree-view list box / The tree-view list-box
- high cardinality / Splitting high-cardinality fields
- HighCloud Airlines
- about / Meet HighCloud Airlines
- HighCloud Airlines sample
- about / Merging forces
- objective / The objective
- table, loading / Loading the table
- table, sorting / Sorting the table
- records, peeking into / Peeking previous records
- HighCloud Blue color / Changing the caption colors
- HighCloudCorporate.qvt file / Adding sheet properties, Adding sheet object properties
- HighCloud corporate theme
- about / Creating themes
- document properties, adding / Adding document properties
- sheet properties, adding / Adding sheet properties
- sheet object properties, adding / Adding sheet object properties
- properties, adding / Adding sheet object properties
- *$ Intersection operator / Set operators
- ID Field / Working with the Hierarchy Wizard
- If function
- about / The If function
- syntax / The syntax
- use case / A use case
- If function, parameters
- Condition / The syntax
- Then / The syntax
- Else / The syntax
- image
- displaying, text object used / Using a Text Object to display an image
- image option / Not all expressions are numbers
- Images tab, Edit Expression window / Images
- Import Document Data Wizard window / Reduction fields
- in-memory
- about / The technology and components behind QlikView
- incremental load
- about / Incremental loads
- Initial data reduction
- about / Initial data reduction
- setting up, for document / Initial data reduction
- Initial Data Reduction Based on Section Access option / Initial data reduction
- Inline Data Wizard / Loading an Inline table
- Inline Data Wizard dialog / Section access
- inline table
- loading / Loading an Inline table
- Inner Join function / Incremental loads
- Input Box object
- about / Using the Input Box object
- Internal Table View option / Table viewer menu
- IntervalMatch
- applying, to Carrier Decode table / Applying IntervalMatch to the Carrier Decode table
- IntervalMatch function / Applying IntervalMatch to the Carrier Decode table
- intervals, expanding / Expanding the intervals
- applying, steps for / Expanding the intervals
- considerations / Some considerations
- use case / The use case
- IntervalMatch operation / Applying IntervalMatch to the Carrier Decode table
- Intervals tab / Applying IntervalMatch to the Carrier Decode table
- Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) data sources / Third-party custom connectors
- JDBC connector
- URL / Third-party custom connectors
- Join operation / Applying IntervalMatch to the Carrier Decode table
- JOIN statement / The JOIN statement
- about / The JOIN statement
- INNER JOIN / The JOIN statement
- OUTER JOIN / The JOIN statement
- LEFT JOIN / The JOIN statement
- RIGHT JOIN / The JOIN statement
- KEEP statement / The KEEP statement
- key fields / Field naming conventions
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- about / Dashboard users
- KPI straight table
- creating / Straight table
- layer option / The Layout tab
- LED gauge option / Not all expressions are numbers
- linear gauge option / Not all expressions are numbers
- line chart
- about / Line Chart
- versus bar chart / Line Chart
- adding, to analysis sheet / Line Chart
- properties / Additional line chart properties, Presentation
- linked objects
- about / Linked Objects
- creating / Linked Objects
- working / Linked Objects
- precautions, for deleting / Linked Objects
- link option / Not all expressions are numbers
- link table
- working / Working with link tables
- about / Working with link tables
- example / A link table example
- creating, in Airline Operations document / Creating a link table in the Airline Operations document
- listboxes
- about / Working with listboxes
- adding / Adding listboxes
- List Box Properties dialog / The List Box Properties dialog
- Multi Box / The Multi Box
- list boxes
- about / List-boxes, Playing with listboxes
- form, user controls adding in / Creating and positioning the filters and user controls
- List Box Properties dialog
- General tab / The General tab
- Sort tab / The Sort tab
- Presentation tab / The Presentation tab
- Number tab / The Number tab
- Font tab / The Font tab
- Layout tab / The Layout tab
- Caption tab / The Caption tab
- List Box Properties dialog, Caption tab
- about / The Caption tab
- Multiline Caption option / The Caption tab
- Caption Alignment option / The Caption tab
- Special Icons option / The Caption tab
- Allow Minimize option / The Caption tab
- Auto Minimize option / The Caption tab
- Allow Maximize option / The Caption tab
- Help Text option / The Caption tab
- List Box Properties dialog, Expressions tab
- about / The Expressions tab
- List Box Properties dialog, Font tab
- about / The Font tab
- List Box Properties dialog, General tab
- about / The General tab
- title option / The General tab
- Object ID option / The General tab
- Always One Selected Value checkbox / The General tab
- Show Frequency and In Percent checkboxes / The General tab
- List Box Properties dialog, Layout tab
- about / The Layout tab
- use borders checkbox / The Layout tab
- shadow intensity option / The Layout tab
- border width option / The Layout tab
- rounded corners checkbox / The Layout tab
- layer option / The Layout tab
- Apply To... option / The Layout tab
- Apply Theme option / The Layout tab
- Theme Maker option / The Layout tab
- show option / The Layout tab
- Allow Move/Size option / The Layout tab
- Allow Copy/Clone option / The Layout tab
- List Box Properties dialog, Number tab
- about / The Number tab
- List Box Properties dialog, Presentation tab
- Selection Style Override option / The Presentation tab
- Single Column option / The Presentation tab
- Suppress Horizontal Scroll Bar option / The Presentation tab
- Fixed Number of Columns option / The Presentation tab
- Order by Column option / The Presentation tab
- alignment option / The Presentation tab
- Wrap Cell Text option / The Presentation tab
- List Box Properties dialog, Sort tab
- about / The Sort tab
- state option / The Sort tab
- expression option / The Sort tab
- frequency option / The Sort tab
- numeric value option / The Sort tab
- text option / The Sort tab
- load order option / The Sort tab
- Load keyword / Working with the Crosstable Wizard
- load order option / The Sort tab
- Load script / Renaming fields
- Load statement / Loading the fact table
- low cardinality / Splitting high-cardinality fields
- Macro Override Security, user privilege / Document-level security
- MAPPING tables
- using / Using MAPPING tables
- master calendar
- about / The master calendar
- adding / The master calendar
- Max() function / Aggregation functions
- Max(Period) expression / Obtaining the base period record set
- MaxString() function / Aggregation functions
- measures / Field naming conventions
- Mekko Chart
- about / Mekko Chart
- menu options, Script Editor
- File | Reload / Menu and toolbar
- File | Save Entire Document / Menu and toolbar
- Tab | Add Tab / Menu and toolbar
- Tab | Rename / Menu and toolbar
- Tab | Promote / Menu and toolbar
- Tab | Demote / Menu and toolbar
- metrics
- adding, to dashboard sheet / Adding a Text object
- Min() function / Aggregation functions
- mini chart option / Not all expressions are numbers
- MinString() function / Aggregation functions
- Module Password button / Document-level security
- MonthStart() function / The master calendar
- Move/Size Sheet Objects, user privilege / Sheet-level security
- MS Access
- data, extracting from / Extracting data from MS Access
- drivers / Configuring the driver
- Multi Box / The Multi Box
- Multiline Caption option / The Caption tab
- Name Field / Working with the Hierarchy Wizard
- naming convention
- about / Naming conventions
- tables / Table naming conventions
- field / Field naming conventions
- field, hiding / Field naming conventions
- natural join / The JOIN statement
- nested aggregation
- Aggr function, using for / Using Aggr for nested aggregation
- New Search Object dialog window / Optimizing the screen space
- NewValue parameter / Syntax and examples
- NO CONCATENATE statement / The NOCONCATENATE statement
- NTDOMAIN SID field / Section access fields
- NTNAM field / Section access fields
- NTSID field / Section access fields
- Num() function / The master calendar
- Number of Qualifier Fields parameter / Working with the Crosstable Wizard
- numeric comparisons
- versus text-based comparisons / Numeric versus text comparisons
- numeric functions
- Ceil() / Numbers and numeric functions
- Floor() / Numbers and numeric functions
- Round() / Numbers and numeric functions
- numeric value option / The Sort tab
- *= operator / More assignment operators
- += operator / More assignment operators
- -= operator / More assignment operators
- /= operator / More assignment operators
- =$ operator / More assignment operators
- Object ID option / The General tab
- object properties
- about / Setting the object properties
- caption colors, changing / Changing the caption colors
- Color Area and Color dialog windows / The Color Area and Color dialog windows
- caption font, setting / Setting the caption font
- content font, setting / Setting the content font
- global font, setting / Setting the global font
- default Sheet Object Style, setting / Setting the default Sheet Object Style
- captions, hiding / Hiding captions
- objects
- adding, to report / The Report Editor window
- conditional showing / Conditionally showing and calculating objects
- calculating / Conditionally showing and calculating objects
- about / Using ODBC and OLE DB drivers
- ODBC connection
- setting up / How to set up an ODBC connection
- about / Using ODBC and OLE DB drivers
- OLE DB connection string
- creating / Creating the OLE DB connection string
- OMIT field / Section access fields
- OnActivateSheet
- about / Sheet triggers
- OnLeaveSheet
- about / Sheet triggers
- Only() function / Aggregation functions
- Open Local Files dialog / Loading a table file
- Operations.qvw file / Applying the DAR principle to Airline Operations
- Order-By fields
- ordering / Ordering the Order-By fields
- Order by Column option / The Presentation tab
- Order By statement / Sorting tables
- outer join / The JOIN statement
- P() function / Using element functions
- Parent ID Field / Working with the Hierarchy Wizard
- Parent Name / Working with the Hierarchy Wizard
- Pareto analysis / Dimension Limits
- Partial Reload, user privilege / Document-level security
- PASSWORD field / Section access fields
- Paste Sheet Object as Link command / Linked Objects
- Paste Sheet Object command / Linked Objects
- Path Delimiter / Working with the Hierarchy Wizard
- Path Name / Working with the Hierarchy Wizard
- Path Source / Working with the Hierarchy Wizard
- Peek() function / The master calendar
- peek function
- about / The Peek function
- Personal Edition (PE) / Adoption path
- Pick function
- about / The Pick function
- using, with dimensionality / Using Pick with Dimensionality
- pie charts
- about / Adding a Pie chart
- adding, to dashboard sheet / Adding a Pie chart
- dimension limits / Dimension Limits
- dimension value, adding to data point values / Adding the dimension value to the data point values
- pivot tables / Adding a new chart
- about / Pivot tables
- creating / Pivot tables
- plyMap() function / Using MAPPING tables
- Point In Time Reporting
- about / Point In Time Reporting
- challenge / The challenge
- set modifiers, defining / Defining the set modifiers
- base period record set, obtaining / Obtaining the base period record set
- compare-to period record set, obtaining / Obtaining the compare-to period record set
- expressions, constructing / Constructing the expressions
- period comparisons, enabling / Enabling additional period comparisons
- examples / More Point In Time Reporting examples
- set expressions, storing in variables / Storing set expressions into variables
- set expressions, with parameters / Set expressions with parameters
- portable set expressio / Portable set expressions
- portable set expressions / Portable set expressions
- set variables and master calendar / Set variables and the Master Calendar
- presentation layer / Two-stage architecture
- Prohibit Binary Load option / Initial data reduction
- Promote/Demote Sheets, user privilege / Document-level security
- properties
- adding, to HighCloud corporate theme / Adding sheet object properties
- Properties dialog window / Creating and positioning the filters and user controls
- .qvt extension
- about / Themes
- QlikCommunity
- URL / Using element functions
- QlikView
- about / What is QlikView?
- differentiating, from traditional BI / How does QlikView differ from traditional BI?
- data, exploring with / Exploring data with QlikView
- getting / Getting QlikView
- installing, steps for / Getting QlikView
- application, navigating / Navigating the document
- list boxes / List-boxes
- selections, in charts / Selections in charts
- search / Search
- selections, bookmarking / Bookmarking selections
- new bookmark, creating / Creating a new bookmark
- bookmark, retrieving / Retrieving a bookmark
- selections, undoing / Undoing selections
- view, changing / Changing the view
- components / The technology and components behind QlikView
- functional overview / The way the data flows
- dimensional models / Dimensional models in QlikView
- user types / User types
- expressions / Expressions
- Edit Expression window / The Edit Expression window, Fields, Images
- Expression Overview window / The Expression Overview window
- generic table, loading / Loading a generic table into QlikView
- variables, using / Using variables
- conditional functions / Conditional functions
- Set Analysis / The magic of Set Analysis
- stored data, loading / Loading data already stored in QlikView
- triggers / Triggers
- actions / Actions
- advanced search expressions / Advanced search expressions
- dynamic bookmarks / Dynamic bookmarks
- alerts / Alerts
- QlikView, components
- in-memory / The technology and components behind QlikView
- data flows / The way the data flows
- content, creating / When QlikView use expands, Create content
- content, reloading / When QlikView use expands, Reload, publish, and distribute content
- content, publishing / When QlikView use expands, Reload, publish, and distribute content
- content, distributing / When QlikView use expands, Reload, publish, and distribute content
- content, consuming / When QlikView use expands, Consume content
- QlikView Publisher / Reload, publish, and distribute content
- QlikView Server / Reload, publish, and distribute content
- QlikView Access Point / Reload, publish, and distribute content
- QlikView, differentiating from traditional BI
- about / How does QlikView differ from traditional BI?
- associative user experience / Associative user experience
- technology / Technology
- adoption path / Adoption path
- QlikView, users
- about / User types
- dashboard users / Dashboard users
- analysts / Analysts
- report users / Report users
- QlikView Access Point / Reload, publish, and distribute content
- QlikView application
- creating / Create content
- reloading / Reload, publish, and distribute content
- distributing / Reload, publish, and distribute content
- publishing / Reload, publish, and distribute content
- consuming / Consume content
- QlikView data model
- cloning / Cloning a QlikView data model
- QlikView deployment
- source data files / Setting up the folder structure
- QlikView document / Setting up the folder structure
- QlikView document, creating / Creating the QlikView document
- QlikView Developer Toolkit
- about / Background image
- QlikView Development folder
- about / Setting up our environment
- QlikView document
- creating, steps for / Creating the QlikView document
- app, creating / Creating the app
- data model, constructing / Creating the app
- user interface, designing / Creating the app
- data, extracting into / Extracting data—two hands-on examples
- design requisites / Design requirements
- QlikView file / Cloning a QlikView data model
- QlikView JDBC connector
- about / Third-party custom connectors
- QlikView Server / Reload, publish, and distribute content
- QlikView UI
- about / Creating a consistent QlikView UI
- Qualify keyword / Renaming fields with the Qualify statement
- qualify statement
- used, for renaming fields / Renaming fields with the Qualify statement
- Qualify statement parameter / Renaming fields with the Qualify statement
- quoting
- about / A word on Quoting
- Qvc
- about / Including script files
- QVD files
- about / The way the data flows, QVD files
- QVD layer / Two-stage architecture
- QVDs
- about / Three-stage architecture
- QVD staging / QVD files
- QVSource
- URL / Third-party custom connectors
- QVSource connector
- about / Third-party custom connectors
- QVX files
- about / QVX files
- Radar Chart
- about / Radar Chart
- Ralph Kimball' s article
- URL / Dimensional data modeling
- RAM-stored data / Loading from RAM
- about / Relational databases and ER modeling
- Reduce Data, user privilege / Document-level security
- Relative Paths option / Loading the fact table
- Reload, user privilege / Document-level security
- Reload button / Reduction fields
- Remove Sheet, user privilege / Sheet-level security
- Remove Sheet Objects, user privilege / Sheet-level security
- report
- objects, adding to / The Report Editor window
- Report Editor window
- about / The Report Editor window
- working / The Report Editor window
- options / The Report Editor window
- Report Editor window, options
- Single versus multi page / The Report Editor window
- Report Settings | Header/Footer / The Report Editor window
- Report Settings | Selections / The Report Editor window
- Report Settings | Header/Footer option / The Report Editor window
- Report Settings | Selections option / The Report Editor window
- reports sheet
- about / Creating the Reports sheet
- variable, creating for expression storage / Variables
- tables, creating / KPIs per airline, origin, and destination country, Cyclic and Drill-down groups, Straight table
- pivot tables, creating / Pivot tables
- Auto Minimize option / Auto minimize
- report users
- about / User types, Report users
- Resident load
- about / Resident load
- Resident Load / Creating a link table in the Airline Operations document
- RGB() function / The Color Area and Color dialog windows
- rotate tab / Other transformation tricks
- rounded corners checkbox / The Layout tab
- /$ Symmetric difference operator / Set operators
- Save Document (Users), user privilege / Document-level security
- scatter chart
- about / Scatter Chart
- adding, to analysis sheet / Scatter Chart
- screen resolution, QlikView UI / Screen resolution
- screen space, dashboard tab
- optimizing / Optimizing the screen space
- script
- structuring / Structuring the script
- script debugger
- about / The script debugger
- breakpoints, using / Using breakpoints
- limited load / Limited load
- script, tracing / Tracing script
- script debugging
- about / Debugging script
- syntax check / Syntax check
- logs, saving to disk / Saving logs to disk
- Script Editor
- about / The Script Editor
- menu options / Menu and toolbar
- script pane / Script pane
- tool pane / Tool pane
- Script Editor window / Structuring the script
- Script Execution Progress window / Hidden script
- script organization
- about / Standardizing and organizing script
- tabs, using / Using tabs
- comments / Comments
- information tab, adding / Adding an information tab
- layout, using / Script layout
- scripts
- debugging / Debugging script
- organizing / Standardizing and organizing script
- standardizing / Standardizing and organizing script
- layouting / Script layout
- reusing / Re-using scripts
- scripts, reusing
- subroutines / Subroutines
- files, including / Including script files
- Script statements
- about / Script statements
- aircraft dimension table, buidling / Building the aircraft dimension table
- tables, manipulating / Manipulating tables
- variables, setting / Setting variables
- script flow, controlling / Controlling script flow
- search
- about / Search
- search expression
- creating, steps / Advanced search expressions
- Search object / Optimizing the screen space
- section access
- about / Section access
- fields / Section access fields
- reduction fields / Reduction fields
- Initial Data Reduction / Initial data reduction
- Initial Data Reduction, setting up for document / Initial data reduction
- fields, omitting / Omitting fields
- selections
- bookmarking / Bookmarking selections
- undoing / Undoing selections
- Selection Style Override option / The Presentation tab
- Select statement / The Create Select Statement wizard
- SERIAL field / Section access fields
- Set Analysis
- about / The magic of Set Analysis
- uses / What is it for?
- set expression, creating / Syntax and examples
- variables, using / Using variables in set expressions
- dynamic record sets / Dynamic record sets
- assignment operators / More assignment operators
- set operators / Set operators
- element functions, using / Using element functions
- P() function / Using element functions
- E() function / Using element functions
- element functions, example / Using element functions
- set expressions
- creating / Syntax and examples
- variables, using / Using variables in set expressions
- storing, in variables / Storing set expressions into variables
- with parameters / Set expressions with parameters
- portable / Portable set expressions
- set modifiers
- about / Syntax and examples
- defining / Defining the set modifiers
- set operators
- about / Set operators
- +$ Union operator / Set operators
- -$ Exclusion operator / Set operators
- *$ Intersection operator / Set operators
- /$ Symmetric difference operator / Set operators
- example / Set operators
- shadow intensity option / The Layout tab
- sheet handling
- about / Creating the Analysis sheet
- sheet ID property / The Sheet Properties dialog
- sheet level security
- settings / Sheet-level security
- sheet level security, settings
- Add Sheet Objects, user privilege / Sheet-level security
- Remove Sheet Objects, user privilege / Sheet-level security
- Move/Size Sheet Objects, user privilege / Sheet-level security
- Copy/Clone Sheet Objects, user privilege / Sheet-level security
- Access Sheet Object Properties, user privilege / Sheet-level security
- Remove Sheet, user privilege / Sheet-level security
- Access Sheet Properties (Users), user privilege / Sheet-level security
- sheet object properties
- adding, to HighCloud corporate theme / Adding sheet object properties
- sheet objects
- selecting / Selecting objects
- moving / Moving objects
- resizing / Resizing objects
- multi box, resizing / Resizing a Multi Box
- aligning / Aligning sheet objects, Do a little house keeping
- sheet properties
- adding, to HighCloud corporate theme / Adding sheet properties
- Sheet Properties dialog
- about / The Sheet Properties dialog
- General tab / The Sheet Properties dialog
- Fields tab / The Sheet Properties dialog
- Objects tab / The Sheet Properties dialog
- Security tab / The Sheet Properties dialog
- Triggers tab / The Sheet Properties dialog
- Sheet Properties dialog, General tab
- title property / The Sheet Properties dialog
- show sheet property / The Sheet Properties dialog
- sheet ID property / The Sheet Properties dialog
- background property / The Sheet Properties dialog
- tab settings property / The Sheet Properties dialog
- Sheet Properties dialog, Objects tab / The Sheet Properties dialog
- Sheet Properties dialog, Security tab / The Sheet Properties dialog
- Sheet Properties dialog, Triggers tab / The Sheet Properties dialog
- Sheet Properties dialog window / Playing with listboxes
- sheets
- copying / Copying sheets
- sheet triggers
- about / Sheet triggers
- Show All Sheets and Objects, user privilege / Document-level security
- Show Frequency and In Percent checkboxes / The General tab
- show option / The Layout tab
- Show Progress for Hidden Script, user privilege / Document-level security
- show sheet property / The Sheet Properties dialog
- SiB
- about / What is a SiB?
- Single Column option / The Presentation tab
- Single versus multi page option / The Report Editor window
- Slider object
- about / Using the Slider object
- creating / Using the Slider object
- slow changing dimension
- about / Dealing with slowly changing dimensions
- slow changing dimensions
- about / Dealing with slowly changing dimensions
- Carrier Decode table / The Carrier Decode table
- snowflake schema
- about / The snowflake schema
- source layer / Two-stage architecture
- source table structure
- about / Changing the source table structure
- dirty table, cleansing / "Cleansing" a dirty table
- crosstable, loading / Loading a Crosstable
- hierarchy, expanding / Expanding a hierarchy
- generic tables, loading / Generic load
- Special Icons option / The Caption tab
- Specify Row Condition dialog window / Unwrapping table contents
- star schema
- about / The star schema
- state-based expressions
- about / State-based expressions
- state option / The Sort tab
- statistics box
- about / Statistics box
- adding, to analysis sheet / Statistics box
- storage requirements reduction
- number-based key fields, using / Using number-based key fields
- unused fields, removing / Removing unused fields
- high-cardinality fields, splitting / Splitting high-cardinality fields
- straight table
- about / Straight table
- versus table box / Straight table
- straight tables
- options / Not all expressions are numbers
- straight tables, options
- image / Not all expressions are numbers
- circular gauge / Not all expressions are numbers
- linear gauge / Not all expressions are numbers
- traffic light gauge / Not all expressions are numbers
- LED gauge / Not all expressions are numbers
- mini chart / Not all expressions are numbers
- link / Not all expressions are numbers
- Strict Exclusion option / Initial data reduction
- string
- about / Strings
- operators / String operators
- functions / String functions
- string functions
- len() / String functions
- left / String functions
- right() / String functions
- mid / String functions
- index / String functions
- upper / String functions
- lower() / String functions
- capitalize / String functions
- replace / String functions
- keepchar / String functions
- purgechar / String functions
- textbetween / String functions
- trim / String functions
- ltrim / String functions
- rtrim / String functions
- structural asymmetry / Concatenating fact tables
- Structured Query Language (SQL) / Querying the database
- sum() function / Aggregation functions
- Support button / The Create Select Statement wizard
- Suppress Horizontal Scroll Bar option / The Presentation tab
- Syntax Check / Syntax check
- synthetic keys
- about / Dealing with synthetic keys
- removing, ways for / Dealing with synthetic keys
- table associations
- about / Guidelines for table associations
- creating / How associations are created
- fields, renaming / Renaming fields
- fields, renaming with qualify statement / Renaming fields with the Qualify statement
- table box
- versus straight table / Straight table
- table file
- reading / Reading table files
- loading / Loading a table file
- CSV attributes / The CSV attributes
- quoting / A word on Quoting
- preview pane / Previewing
- transformation step / The transformation step
- input table, refining / Refining the input table
- Where Clause wizard / Where Clause wizard
- crosstable / The crosstable
- Table Files button / Loading a table file, Working with the Transformation Step wizard
- Table information, Table Viewer window / Table information
- table manipulation
- about / Manipulating tables
- JOIN statement / The JOIN statement
- KEEP statement / The KEEP statement
- CONCATENATE statement / The CONCATENATE statement
- NO CONCATENATE statement / The NOCONCATENATE statement
- MAPPING tables / Using MAPPING tables
- comments, adding / Adding comments
- tables, storing / Storing tables
- fields, renaming / Renaming tables and fields
- tables, renaming / Renaming tables and fields
- tables, deleting / Deleting tables and fields
- fields, deleting / Deleting tables and fields
- Table preview, Table Viewer window / Table preview
- tables
- creating / KPIs per airline, origin, and destination country, Cyclic and Drill-down groups, Straight table
- sorting / Sorting tables
- Order-By fields, ordering / Ordering the Order-By fields
- Table viewer menu, Table Viewer window / Table viewer menu
- Table Viewer window / Structuring the script
- about / The Table Viewer window
- Table information / Table information
- Field information / Field information
- Table preview / Table preview
- Table Viewer dialog / Table viewer menu
- Tab Rename Dialog window / Structuring the script, Loading the table
- tab settings property / The Sheet Properties dialog
- Target Column field / Filling missing cells
- text-based comparisons
- versus numeric comparisons / Numeric versus text comparisons
- text object
- used, for displaying image / Using a Text Object to display an image
- actions, adidng to / Adding actions to a Text object
- text objects
- about / Adding a Text object
- creating / Adding a Text object
- text option / The Sort tab
- The Bureau of Transportation Statistics of the United States website
- URL / What is a SiB?
- Theme File structure
- about / Themes
- Theme Maker option / The Layout tab
- Theme Maker Wizard
- about / Themes
- themes
- about / Themes
- applying, to documents / Applying themes
- creating / Creating themes
- solo exercise / A solo exercise
- third-party custom connectors
- about / Third-party custom connectors
- QVSource connector / Third-party custom connectors
- QlikView JDBC connector / Third-party custom connectors
- three-stage architecture
- about / Three-stage architecture
- Transformation Layer / Three-stage architecture
- Transformed QVD Layer / Three-stage architecture
- title option / The General tab
- title property / The Sheet Properties dialog
- tool pane, Script Editor
- functions tab / Tool pane
- Variables tab / Tool pane
- Settings tab / Tool pane
- Total Mode setting / Top 10 routes
- Total Mode window / Top 10 routes
- TOTAL qualifier
- about / Using variables based on expressions, Using the TOTAL qualifier
- using / Using the TOTAL qualifier
- TRACE statement / Hidden script
- Trace statement / Tracing script
- traffic light gauge option / Not all expressions are numbers
- Transformation Layer / Three-stage architecture
- transformation output / The Transformation output
- Transformation Step Wizard, source table structure
- about / "Cleansing" a dirty table
- working with / Working with the Transformation Step wizard
- garbage, throwing out / Throwing out the garbage
- table contents, unwrapping / Unwrapping table contents
- missing cells, filling / Filling missing cells
- result / The final result
- options / Other transformation tricks
- column tab / Other transformation tricks
- rotate tab / Other transformation tricks
- context tab / Other transformation tricks
- Transformation Wizard
- about / "Cleansing" a dirty table
- Transformed QVD Layer / Three-stage architecture
- tree-view list box
- about / The tree-view list-box
- and normal list box, comparing / The tree-view list-box
- Trellis Chart
- about / Trellis Chart
- triggers
- about / Triggers
- OnAnySelect / Document triggers
- OnOpen / Document triggers
- OnPostReduceData / Document triggers
- OnPostReload / Document triggers
- OnSelect / Document triggers
- OnChange / Document triggers
- OnLock / Document triggers
- OnUnlock / Document triggers
- OnInput / Document triggers
- triggers, types
- document / Document triggers
- sheet / Sheet triggers
- two-stage architecture
- about / Two-stage architecture
- source layer / Two-stage architecture
- extract layer / Two-stage architecture
- QVD layer / Two-stage architecture
- presentation layer / Two-stage architecture
- use borders checkbox / The Layout tab
- use case
- about / A use case
- heat charts / Heat charts
- user controls
- adding, in list boxes form / Creating and positioning the filters and user controls
- USERID field / Section access fields
- values
- modifying, for variables / Interactively changing a variable's value
- variable
- creating / Variables
- variable naming convention
- about / Variable naming convention
- variables
- about / Using variables
- using / Using variables
- creating / Creating a variable
- using, in charts / Using variables in charts
- values, modifying / Interactively changing a variable's value
- using, based on expressions / Using variables based on expressions
- used, for storing expressions / Using variables to store expressions
- naming convention / Variable naming convention
- using, in set expressions / Using variables in set expressions
- set expressions, storing / Storing set expressions into variables
- Variables tab, Edit Expression window / Variables
- vFolderSourceData / Managing file locations and connection strings
- vSetLYMTD variable / Storing set expressions into variables
- vSetLYQTD variable / Storing set expressions into variables
- vSetLYYTD variable / Storing set expressions into variables
- vSetMTD variable / Storing set expressions into variables
- vSetPreviousMonth variable / Storing set expressions into variables
- vSetPreviousQuarter variable / Storing set expressions into variables
- vSetQTD variable / Storing set expressions into variables
- vSetRolling12 variable / Storing set expressions into variables
- vSetYTD variable / Storing set expressions into variables
- What-If scenarios
- about / Analysts
- Where Clause wizard / Where Clause wizard
- workspace
- preparing / Preparing the workspace
- Wrap Cell Text option / The Presentation tab