In order to partake in this chapter, your local machine will need the following:
- An internet connection
- Docker - If you haven't installed Docker already, see the official documentation:
All other requirements will be installed as we progress through the chapter.
All instructions in this chapter are tailored towards macOS or Debian/Ubuntu systems. I have, however, taken care to only use cross-platform dependencies.
Throughout this chapter, there will be blocks of code. Different types of code will have their own prefixes, which are as follows:
$: To be executed in your terminal, always within your virtualenv
>>>: To be executed in your Nameko/Python shell
No prefix: Block of Python code to be used in your editor
$: To be executed in your terminal, always within your virtualenv
>>>: To be executed in your Nameko/Python shell
No prefix: Block of Python code to be used in your editor