Making plots with Plotly
Plotly is one of several visualization libraries in Python. An advantage of Plotly is that visualizations can be automatically published and saved to Plotly's cloud, meaning you can share visualizations with others easily, and even edit them online. Another key advantage is that these plots can be included in websites and retain their interactivity there. The interactivity within Plotly also has hover-over effects: the value of points is displayed when you hover over them. Plotly is used by several large corporations for visualization, so it can be a helpful skill to know. It can be used in many programming languages, including Python, R, and others.
Plotly also has visualization web dashboard capabilities (named Dash), which means you can create a web page with several interactive plots that can stream live data. Let's take a look at creating some of the same plots we did before, but with Plotly: line charts, scatter plots, and histograms....