Removing or cloning features using overlays
A common characteristic of web mapping applications is their ability to display information or perform actions that are related to the features on the map. By features, we mean any real phenomenon or aspect that we can visually represent with points, lines, polygons, and so on.
We can select a feature, retrieve its associated information, and choose to display it anywhere in our application layout. A common way to do this is using overlays.
In this recipe, we'll make it possible to clone and remove a feature from an overlay bubble that is displayed when clicking on a feature attached to the map. The source code can be found in ch03/ch03-removing-cloning-feature-overlay
. This will look like the following screenshot:

How to do it…
We will perform some feature manipulation from map overlays using the following instructions:
Create an HTML file with OpenLayers dependencies, a
element to hold the map, and also the overlay and content, as follows:<...