Chapter 1, OpenDaylight Fundamentals, talks about the OpenDaylight platform. The goal of the platform is to enable the adoption of SDN and create a solid base for NFV.
Chapter 2, Virtual Customer Edge, talks about virtual customer edge, which can connecting network entity endpoints to each other and integrating them within the network by allowing some access policy rules.
Chapter 3, Dynamic Interconnects, focuses on establishing dynamic connections among network devices within the SDN environment.
Chapter 4, Network Virtualization, covers some usage of network virtualization provided by OpenDaylight.
Chapter 5, Virtual Core and Aggregation, focuses on fundamental use cases for BGP and PCEP using OpenDaylight SDN controller.
Chapter 6, Intent and Policy Networking, covers how Network Intent Composition (NIC) provides some features to enable the controller to manage and direct network services and resources based on intent.
Chapter 7, OpenDaylight Container Customizations, dedicates the recipes to network engineers, systems builders, and integrators—the people who need to make their OpenDaylight deployment integrate even more closely into their organization.
Chapter 8, Authentication and Authorization, learns how to use OpenDaylight built-in authentication and authorization functionality and how to integrate OpenDaylight with existing federation systems such free IPA.