As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
AActor 68
authority, controlling with Role and Remote Role properties 114
connection, controlling of 103, 104
Owner 103
relevancy 105, 106
roles 114
actor replication
turning on, avoidance 260
agents 164
AI minion class
creating 166-168
AI minions variations
AI miniboss, creating 207-209
AI sentinel, creating 204-207
creating 203
minion spawner, updating 209-211
alert system, minion AI
alert implementation, testing 188, 189
Game Mode functions, declaring 186, 187
implementing 186
sending, alert messages 187, 188
Always Relevant property
setting 113
Amazon Web Services (AWS) 340
Among Us
reference link 12
animation assets
Animation Blueprint, creating 218-221
Animation Montage, creating 217, 218