Technical requirements
As with the previous chapters, there is a demo that you can find in our GitHub repository, which you can find here:
All you need to do to run the demo connected with this chapter is to clone it and navigate to the 8. Creating Custom CMS Pages
folder and start the Docker environment.
To do so, just follow these instructions:
- Run Docker with the following command:
docker-compose up
- Then, to restore all the settings from on your local machine, type the following:
docker-compose exec php bash
- Navigate to http://localhost/admin and log in with your admin/pimcore credentials.
What you will get with this setup is the following:
- A class definition called
- Two instances of the class,
My Item 1
andMy Item 2
- The Editables page, a page with a demo of editables (see Using Editables)
- The Template page, a page with a demo of the templating...