Validating balances with the Reconcile utility
Next to Check Links, the Reconcile utility is the most commonly used utility in Dynamics GP. The job of the Reconcile utility is to replace or remove erroneous data that is related but isn't necessarily linked. For example, to improve reporting speed, Dynamics GP stores the summary totals of each account in a table. Unlike Check Links, these tables aren't related to each other, they simply hold the same information in different formats, one in detail and one in summary.
The summary total of an account should equal the sum of all of the detail transactions for an account. If it doesn't, the Reconcile utility will recalculate the totals from the detail and replace the summary total.
Like Check Links, the Reconcile utility can remove data and should be run after a backup. Additionally, any reports that are available to be printed should be printed to the screen and to a file. There is no option to reprint these reports. In this recipe...