The navigation patterns for RWD
One of the most mystifying features of RWD is the navigation. It can be as simple or as complex as we want it to be.
In this section, I'm going to show you how to build three commonly used navigation patterns:
Toggle navigation: This is based on Brad Frost's Toggle Menu demo (
Off-Canvas or Off-Screen navigation: This is based on Austin Wulf's SitePoint Pure CSS Off-Screen Navigation Menu demo (
Flexbox-based navigation: This is our custom solution.
Before we look at the details of each, let's clarify a few features about the mentioned patterns:
On small screens, all navigation patterns use the hamburger icon as a trigger except the Flexbox-based navigation. On large screens, the navigation bar on all examples is a horizontal group of links with centered links.
To improve usability in both the Toggle and the Off-Canvas navigations, the hamburger icon gets the class .active