Chapter 6. Working with Tabular Data
Data that makes sense when displayed in a spreadsheet (or a tabular structure) is known as tabular data. In web applications, tabular data is commonly obtained from databases, where the data is natively represented in relational tables. The main JSF component for displaying tabular data is represented by the <h:dataTable>
tag, which is capable of producing HTML classical tables. This chapter is a tribute to this tag, since tabular data is very commonly used and can be manipulated in many ways. Therefore, in this chapter, you will learn about the following topics:
- Creating a simple JSF table
- The
class of JSF 2.2 - Sorting tables
- Deleting a table row
- Editing/updating a table row
- Adding a new row
- Displaying a row number
- Selecting a single row
- Selecting multiple rows
- Nesting tables
- Paginating tables
- Generating tables with the JSF API
- Filtering tables
- Styling tables
This chapter focuses more on the tables that are populated with data...