Firebase Test Lab Game Loop testing
Games and game development is one of the fastest growing software industries. There are numerous types of game development processes and types of games, including 3D games, network games, and mobile games. With the rate of growth, it also leads to the problem of automation and testing. Firebase Test Lab offers beta support for game testing. Using logical labels, you can run the related loops.
When carrying out a Game Loop test in Test Lab, you need to modify your game as follows:
- Launch the loop
- Run the loop
- Close the game
To launch the loop, there is a specific intent filter that we need to use inside manifest, as shown in the following code:
<activityandroid:name=".MyActivity"> <intent-filter> <actionandroid:name=""/> <categoryandroid:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/> <dataandroid:mimeType="application/javascript"/> </intent-filter> <intent-filter> ... (other intent...