.NET and the C# language have continuously grown in adoption since its release in early 2001. C#'s main author, Anders Hejlsberg, has lead several groups of developers in constant growing and improvement, until reaching the current version, .NET 4.6, and the very important .NET Core 1.0/1.1, and keeps on going with this work, also linked to the new TypeScript language, which we will also cover in this book.
This book is a journey through the different options and possibilities .NET Framework in general, and C# in particular, provide to developers to build applications that run on Windows and, as seen in the last chapter, on other platforms and devices.
I believe that it can be a reference for programmers wanting to update their knowledge to the latest versions of this set of technologies, but also for those who, coming from other environments, would like to approach .NET and the C# language to extend their skills and programming toolset.
All the main points discussed in here are illustrated with examples, and the important parts of these demos are explained in detail, so you can easily follow this route.