Black and White illustration gallery
We shall start by looking at very basic black and white images. Any artists who start from scratch may use simple black and white drawings first, before moving on to draw in color. Although they have no colors, you can experiment a lot with gray tones and textures.
Let's see what you can do in CSP with limited color.
Pencil Tools
The following diagram shows examples of pencils that are available in the tools. Details of how to use pencils can be found in Chapter 5, Penciling: Layer and Layer Property Palettes:
Figure 1.1 – An example of a pencil tool drawing
In the following section, we'll look at inking tools.
Inking tools
The following diagram shows examples of pens that are available in the tools. Details of how to use pens can be found in Chapter 8, Getting Started with Inking Tools:
Figure 1.2 – An example of an inking tool drawing
In the following section...