The chapters in this book are dedicated to laying down a strong technical foundation for the years to come in your Arduino-based device prototyping journey. To start off, we will see what the Arduino platform is and then through a series of ten, carefully graded chapters, in order of increasing level of complexity, we will become familiar with building device prototypes based on the Arduino platform.
The following diagram depicts the broad areas that the reader will learn in this book:

At the end of each chapter, there is a Try the following section, meant to inspire the reader's imagination and take them a step nearer to becoming more self-reliant. The reader is urged to try out the suggestions in this section to get further insights into the various aspects covered in the chapters.
At the very end of each chapter there is a Things to remember section. This section lists all the important points that were covered and is meant to serve as a quick recollection of the concepts learnt in a chapter.