CI/CD pipelines can generate a great amount of metadata every day in busy build environments. Elasticsearch is the perfect platform for feeding this kind of data from Jenkins.
In this section, we will learn how to enable and access the logs of our Jenkins instance and analyze team efficiency.
Getting ready
All the operations mentioned in this recipe require a fully functional Jenkins deployment, as described in Chapter 3, Building CI/CD Pipelines, in the Setting up a CI/CD pipeline in Jenkins X section.
Clone the k8sdevopscookbook/src repository to your workstation to use the manifest files in the chapter10 directory:
$ git clone
$ cd src/chapter10
Make sure you have a Kubernetes cluster, Jenkins X, and an EFK stack ready and that kubectl has been configured so that you can manage the cluster resources.
How to do it…
This section will show you how to feed Jenkins logs to Elasticsearch. This section...