Discarding fields while cloning
Cloning of issues in JIRA is an easy way to replicate an existing issue. While cloning, a new issue is created exactly similar to the original issue with identical values for all its fields except for a few special ones. The special ones include created
, updated
, issue
, status
, and so on.
But, in addition to the special fields JIRA has chosen, we might want to ignore a few other fields while cloning an issue. How about a unique custom field? We surely don't want to replicate it while cloning?
Here is an easy way to discard any such fields while cloning an issue.
Getting ready...
Create a Skeleton plugin using Atlassian Plugin SDK. It is recommended to read the Extending JIRA actions recipe before proceeding.
How to do it...
As we have seen while extending JIRA actions in the previous recipe, all we need to do here is to create a new webwork action that extends the existing JIRA Clone action and overrides the required method. In this specific case,...