Enterprise JavaBeans 3.2
The Enterprise JavaBeans 3.2 Specification was developed under JSR 345. This section just gives you an overview of improvements in the API. The complete document specification (for more information) can be downloaded from http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/final/jsr345/index.html.
The business layer of an application is the part of the application that is located between the presentation layer and data access layer. The following diagram presents a simplified Java EE architecture. As you can see, the business layer acts as a bridge between the data access and the presentation layer.

It implements business logic of the application. To do so, it can use some specifications such as Bean Validation for data validation, CDI for context and dependency injection, interceptors to intercept processing, and so on. As this layer can be located anywhere in the network and is expected to serve more than one user, it needs a minimum of non functional services such as security...