A pragmatic three-tier approach to DevOps KPTs and metrics
In this book, we introduce the approach of adoption, adherence, and efficiency/performance measurements to measure and realize the adoption using KPTs and metrics. This approach is inspired by the DevOps equilibrium of time to market-reliability-compliance and uses the DevOps minimum viable adoption concept that we introduced in the previous chapter as a foundation. Let us look into the details:
- Minimum viable adoption KPTs: As we saw in the previous chapter, the elements of minimum viable adoption will be common across your portfolio and have the DevOps controls as their foundation. To refresh your memory, they can include the adoption of the standard CI/CD pipeline, monitoring of critical services, and automated regression testing for a business application’s critical path. The KPTs (primarily) and metrics belonging to the first level, therefore, will be capturing the enterprise adoption of the controls/capabilities...