What is Lotus Symphony
Lotus Symphony is an office productivity suite that allows us to create, edit, and share documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. It is provided free of charge by IBM and can be downloaded and installed as a standalone product; however, we will be exploring the integrated version of Symphony, which is within Lotus Notes. When we install Lotus Notes, we can select to install the productivity tools called Lotus Symphony.
If Symphony has been installed, we will see the options to create Documents, Presentations, and Spreadsheets on the Home page as shown here:

As Symphony provides support for Open Document Format, we can import and edit Microsoft® Office documents and export those documents to ODF for sharing with ODF-compliant applications and solutions. The advantage of this feature is that we are not locked-in to any one vendor's proprietary technology. There are several office suite applications that support ODF, which is important in moving forward as this ensures...