Let's consider that http://localhost:8888/hexacopters/1 is the URL that identifies the hexacopter for our drone.
PATCH http://localhost:8888/hexacopters/1
We have to compose and send an HTTP request with the HTTP verb (PATCH) and request URL (http://localhost:8888/hexacopters/1) to set the hexacopter's status and motor speed in RPMs. In addition, we have to provide the JSON key-value pairs with the necessary field name and the value to specify the desired speed. As a result of the request, the server will validate the provided values for the field, make sure that it is a valid speed, and make the necessary calls to adjust the speed with an asynchronous execution. After the speed for the hexacopter is set, the server will return an HTTP 200 OK status code and a JSON body with the recently updated hexacopter values...