Persistent Storage
In the previous chapter, we stated that there are multiple ways to use persistent storage in our container, and we also referred to this in this chapter.
Kubernetes can configure persistent storage, but you have to provide it, for instance, via an NFS container or by implementing a StorSimple iSCSI Virtual Array (which is especially useful if you need read/write access from multiple containers). Even if you are using Azure Storage, there are many choices to make. Do you want to use disks or Azure Storage? Do you want to create them on the fly (dynamically) or use existing ones (statically)? Most of these questions are answered based on cost and the need for services such as replication, backup, and snapshots.
In this section, we want to cover the dynamic options; orchestration-wise, it's a better choice because you can do everything within Kubernetes (or using the tooling around it).
Whether you are using Azure Storage or disks, you'll need...