- Quiz-tion: Which of the following packages directly implement functions named after HTTP verbs such as GET and POST in R?
- ggplot2
- tidytext
- dplyr
- httr
- Quiz-tion: Read the following statements and pick the wrong one:
- rvest and httr can be used to retrieve data from the web
- The gsub() function is useful to find and replace patterns
- Clustering analysis is only useful to the industry and does not have a single application to academic research
- The dendextend package is able to craft visualizations on the top of clusters
- Quiz-tion: Which of the following packages offers an easy interface to the interact with Twitter's API?
- httr
- rvest
- rtweet
- not
Answers—executing the following code will give you the answers to the quiz questions:
See you in Antica.