Practice test
Answer the following questions:
- Which from the following indicates work that is not tied to a production service?
a) Toil
b) Manual
c) Overhead
d) Automation
- Which of the following represents an explicit or implicit contract with your users that includes consequences of meeting or missing the SLOs?
a) SLI
b) SLO
c) SLA
d) Error budget
- Which of the following combinations represent metrics that are typically tracked as part of a request/response journey?
a) Availability, latency, and durability
b) Latency, coverage, throughput, and availability
c) Coverage, correctness, and quality
d) Availability, latency, and quality
- Select an option that represents SRE recommendation in terms of the time that an SRE engineer is allowed to spend on toil:
a) 25%-55%
b) 45%-60%
c) 50%-75%
d) 30%-50%
- Which of the following is the least realistic (preferred) option to target reliability for a service as an SLO?
a) 99.9%
b) 99.99%
c) 99.999%
d) 100%
- In terms of best practice, which...