How to use virtual machines on GCP
VMs are the basis of all the infrastructure we have in the cloud. Hence, although we increasingly use self-managed or serverless services, we need to know about the fundamentals of VMs in order to understand the infrastructure we use to deploy our applications. In this section, we will review how to create and manage a VM in order to create environments for our applications in the cloud.
Google Compute Engine fundamentals
Google Compute Engine or GCE is the VM solution that GCP offers us.
Among the possibilities that GCE provides for the creation of VMs are the following:
- The selection of the region and zone of the instance
- The creation of labels to organize the instances
- The selection of the machine type considering the virtual CPU and memory
- Boot disk selection for both Linux and Windows
- Service account configuration
- Scope configuration to allow access to GCP APIs
- Enabling firewall rules for HTTP and HTTPS...